ITB 2024 Special Reporting
Social Media/Web 2? Sure It's Fun, But Are You Using It Strategically?
By Marjorie Brody
Wednesday, 17th November 2010
Daniel Lyons recently wrote an article in Newsweek titled 'A cautionary tale for Web 2 companies', He said 'the basic problem is that these new media companies don't really have customers; they have audiences.'

As a professional speaker, I like an audience. As a business owner, however, I want customers.

So, Mr. Lyons' article struck a chord with me. Why? Because lately, it seems I rarely attend a conference or pick up a magazine that isn't teaching how to use social media, and promoting its use.

I'm not questioning the need to do some of this type of communicating, but at what cost?

Is my time better spent making a few, direct phone calls to prospects and clients, or to write a blog or tweet? Do I spend time "friending" people on Facebook, or taking someone out to lunch?

I also wonder its impact on office productivity -- and how many employees are stealing from their employers? I mean stealing time by doing social media at work, which translates into dollars. Are they using social media for the good of the company? I sincerely doubt it.

One of my friends recently boasted that he had more than 1,000 followers on Twitter. When I asked him how much business he had gotten from them, he began to stammer and stutter. "We haven't monetized it yet," he said. When does that start? Not only that, but I wonder how much business he had lost by focusing on building his "herd" – rather than really going after business leads and opportunities?

Granted, this is all new – we are all trying to figure it out. My only caution to everyone reading this is to value your time … and determine your objectives when it comes to social media and its use.

And, of course, if you want to book me as a speaker … remember that I said I always like an audience!

About Marjorie Brody, Founder & CEO, BRODY Professional Development

One of the most sought-after speakers and executive coaches in America, Marjorie Brody provides a hardcore reality check for all working professionals, helping them communicate like leaders.

She has been described as experienced, wise, irreverent, remarkably insightful, honest, and classy.

With enough degrees, honors, awards, certifications, and rave reviews to fill a bookcase, Marjorie has become the go-to "sage" for organizations and leaders looking for what it truly takes to succeed in a highly competitive business world.

She delves into the vital characteristics, behaviors and strategies that lead to career success.

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